Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jayden Levi Wilde

Jayden Levi Wilde. 5 lbs 12 oz. 18 3/4 in. Born Jan 6th @ 5:47PM.

I am so in love with this little boy. So so in love. He definitely looks just like his father. He's like a little baby Levi.
I still remember waking up on Thursday and driving to the hospital to go "have my baby". That was definitely a different feeling.
The birth, I think, went pretty well. I got to the hospital around 9:30AM. Was set up in a room. A nurse came in who then got me started on an IV. That really hurt by the way. It took two nurses and 4 tries before they got the IV in right. Later on, I can't remember the time, I was started on pitocin. The nurse told me I was dialated to a 2 and my contractions were coming about every 2-3 minutes. I figured it was going to be long day so Levi set up his laptop and we started watching a movie.
At 2 o'clock another doctor came in and said she was there to break my water. It happened really fast and I hardly felt a thing. She also checked me and said I was still dialated at a 2. We continued to watch our show, but holy cow the contractions came out of nowhere and started to really hurt!! I tried to be tough and relax and breath but I eventually started crying and Levi called for the nurse so I could get an epidural.
I honestly was scared of getting an epidural. There are so many horror stories out there and I wasn't sure what to expect. Lucky for me though, the epidural went really smooth and worked instantly. I could still feel the pressure from the contractions but absolutely no pain. After that the nurse checked me out again and I was now dialated to a 6. My midwife told the nurse to give me about another 30 minutes or so and I should be ready to go. Well, she was pretty close, because the nurse did come back a little bit later and said I was at a 1o, completely effaced and Baby J was ready to come.
I remember all of sudden everyone coming in and bringing in all this stuff. Levi was super excited and I was like..."Oh my word, I'm about to have a baby!". The next thing I remember is the nurse standing by my side and telling me it was time to push. I remember her counting and telling me I was doing great and that I could do this. Well, I guess her pep talk worked...cuz after pushing just a few times....out came Baby J.
He was immediately given to me. I remember holding his little hand and I just stared into his big dark eyes. Unfortunately, Baby J was having a hard time breathing so the nurse took him from me and to make a very very long story short.....he ended up being admitted to the NICU.
It was hard having him down there and not being able to be with him all the time. Levi and I went down as often as we could and I would try and feed him....but he was hooked up to so many tubes and monitors that it was really hard to just hold him.
Well, count your blessings, Jayden improved pretty quickly and we got to take him home Sunday afternoon.
I don't think I slept for the first 3 days he was home. I was (and still am) a clueless mom. I constantly (and still do) wondered if he was eating enough, sleeping enough, warm enough, and on and on....
Jayden, and myself, also struggle with breastfeeding. I've seen three lacatation specialists and I plan on going to a Le Leche League meeting soon. When Jayden was admitted to the NICU he was immediately put on a bottle and given I don't know if that had a play in it...but it was almost like he had to learn how to breastfeed. He's exclusively breastfeed right now....even though sometimes I will pump out a bottle and give that to him. He didn't gain weight for the first few weeks and had very few messy diapers which really kinda worried me, but he now seems to be doing pretty good ...wants to eat all the time and I'm going through diapers like crazy! I guess I haven't messed up too much!
Well I sure do love my little guy and I figure if I was really doing something wrong....Little Jayden would be screaming at me and letting me know. The sweet little guy hardly ever cries.....well mostly because he is sleeping all the time. He's my little angel baby and I'm so glad that he is all mine.


  1. Congrats. I wanted to breastfeed too but it became so stressful with pumping and him not eating that he is a formula baby and is happy as ever. if it works long term that's wonderful, but if it doesn't, don't beat yourself up. I beat myself up bout it and its not worth it!

  2. Congrats to you guys!! He is adorable and so tiny! Breastfeeding was by far the hardest and most stressful thing for me when I had Mylee. Lola was much better at it for some reason. It does get better though. Enjoy that sweet baby =)
